Which Pioneering Event of Art and Technology Marked the Genesis of Media Performance?

To define new media art is about every bit hard every bit to define art. Why is that? Why is there and then much confusion over this term? Ane of the possible answers would be that the penetration of new media into contemporary art practices is an ongoing process – we can say when new media and technology began to emerge inside the field of gimmicky art; however, with never-ending development of new media and digital devices, there has never been a moment when theoreticians and experts could more than theoretically define this of import genre in contemporary art. What is digital fine art? What is new media art? What are the boundaries of new media art? I am afraid there are no clear answers to these questions, but permit'southward give it a try.

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It is difficult to give one definition of what is new media art or media arts - it includes all sorts of visual media as well as video and web and internet technology works
The Experience Automobile exhibition at Ikkan Art International, 2012 (courtesy of artinasia.com)

Defining Art Movements and Genres

Nosotros already ended that information technology's a hard task to define new media art. But, what virtually other movements and genres? It'southward easier, but information technology'south yet difficult. For case, we could say that conceptual art is fine art genre in which the concept(s) or the thought(s) involved in the piece of work accept precedence over traditional aesthetic and cloth concerns. Similarly, suprematism is an art move, focused on basic geometric forms, such as circles, squares, lines, and rectangles, painted in a limited range of colors. These are pretty clear definitions; it'south articulate what the movements and genres are about; not many doubts are left.

And What About New Media Art as a Genre?

On the other hand, when nosotros see definitions of new media fine art or digital art, nosotros are left a bit confused, and with a lot of questions to be posed. New media art is usually defined as a genre that encompasses artworks created with new media technologies, including digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art, interactive art, video games, figurer robotics, 3D press, and art equally biotechnology. But, then we could pose questions such as: What is new media? What is digital art? What is the divergence betwixt interactive art and new media fine art? Let'due south effort to deconstruct this definition, in social club to better understand this important genre.

Virtual reality interactive installation works are a great example of new media art medium because it shows the history and evolution of this type of arts
Globe Pare (1997), Maurice Benayoun's Virtual Reality Interactive Installation

New Media

New Media is a term that is usually been used to whatever content available on-demand through the Net, accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. A defining characteristic of new media is adialogue or interaction. Although the new media are not exclusively related to new media art (since it's much more important for social and cultural changes in contemporary society), new media created a space for new gimmicky fine art practices.

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As such, many topics that are recurring in "traditional" fine art forms, such every bit painting and sculpture, can be found within the realm of this movement too, like politics and social consciousness - due to the interactive nature of its tools. New media transmit content through connection and conversation – and this characteristic is something that is likewise characteristic of art, isn't information technology? The interaction between an artwork and a viewer, betwixt artists and audience, between an artwork and its creator – and precisely there is a problem while finding a precise definition of new media art: if one of the main characteristics of new media art is interaction, what differentiates this genre from other art movements?

International education about new media art and technology is available through internet or school book material and film video tutorials
Shih Chieh Huang, EX-DD-06, 2006 (courtesy of lipmag.com)

New Media Art as Interaction

Start of all, new media art differentiates itself by its resulting cultural objects and social events, which can be seen in opposition to those deriving from old visual arts (i.east. traditional painting, sculpture). This concern with the medium is a primal feature of much contemporary fine art and indeed many art schools and major Universities now offer majors in "New Genres" or "New Media". Therefore, we could say that the main part of the definition of new media fine art cannot be interaction or dialogue. What is operation art if not a dialogue between a performer and audience? So, we should focus on other characteristics of this genre; otherwise, it can overlap a number of other contemporary fine art practices.

It is difficult to give one definition of what is new media art or media arts - it includes all sorts of visual media and technology that is based on interactions suitable for gallery spaces
Eduardo Kac's installation Genesis Ars Electronica 1999

Terminology Problems in Media Art

When someone tries to ascertain new media art, an additional problem emerges: in that location are so many terms that are often mixed, or misused for this genre. We wrote well-nigh reckoner art, abstruse art, urban art, etc. Nosotros could pose a question: Aren't all these art practices part of new media art? The respond would be yes, so nosotros could conclude that new media fine art is actually a very broad term. Why would we have a dissever name for an art do which focuses on interaction (interactive art) if we already take a term for information technology? The main problem is that new media art could be understood as an umbrella that covers a number of different contemporary fine art practices – from pixel art to the art of gifs. In addition, so many other art movements utilise new media technologies in the process of displaying artworks. There is a vast majority of amazing installation artworks that cannot be presented without the use of new media. Can operation or conceptual artworks be collectible if they exercise not cover new media fine art?

The Inheritance - New Media Art Performing

A Bright Future Awaits New Media Art

New media fine art withal has to be more theoretically and conceptually developed. It seems that artistic practices are faster – experts and theoreticians are not able to follow all the new developments in this genre. But, let's just mention at that place is a number of great art experts and theoreticians studying and examining new media art: Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Jack Burnham, Mario Costa, Edmond Couchot, Fred Woods, Oliver Grau, and many others. Thank you to their work, we tin better understand the fine art of new media and digital creative person (merely to mention Ralf Baecker, Yannick Val Gesto, Kate Steciw, Cory Arcangel). And information technology seems that new media fine art has quite a brilliant future. First, with the unprecedented development of engineering science, information technology is probably to wait that the number of young artists will encompass this genre. It's likewise expected that the popularity of this move will be constantly increasing. Also, a number of artists from more than "traditional" art movements are starting time to utilize all the possibilities new media art offers – they are non necessarily condign new media artists, only they use some elements of the genre.

What's also on the rise is the festivals dedicated to this form of arts. We wrote about information technology at length here, and the number of these festivals seems to exist growing fast exponentially. Today, we can talk near events on almost all seven continents, with some of them already achieving worldwide fame, such equally the German Transmediale, or Silicon Valley'southward Zero1. Some other of import aspect is 3D printed art, gaining serious attention in the past v years solitary and threatening to become the primary form of expression for many new media artists. This applied science has allowed creatives to approach the traditional physical form of a sculpture by mixing the computational base of new media art with its basic concepts. A pioneer in this field was artist Jonty Hurwitz, who created the first known anamorphosis sculpture using 3D printing. Finally, a number of other questions could be posed: What is the position of curators inside new media fine art (or, exercise we need curators at all)? Will new media fine art overlap all other gimmicky art practices? However, this is a subject area for another commodity.

Editors' Tip: Across New Media Fine art

Originally published in Italian with the title Media, New Media, Postmedia in 2010, this book caused some fence outside of Italian republic, which made the author, Domenico Quaranta, interpret the volume in English and telephone call information technology Beyond Media Fine art. This volume tries to clarify the current positioning of and so-chosen New Media Art in the wider field of contemporary arts and to explore the historical, sociological and conceptual reasons for its marginal position and nether-recognition in recent art history. On the other mitt, this volume is too an endeavor to suggest new critical and curatorial strategies to turn this marginalization into a matter of the past and to stress the topicality of fine art addressing the media and the issues of the information age.
Feature Image: Miao Xiaochun - Metamorphosis-Incertitude, 2011 (courtesy of ionawhittaker.com). All Images used for illustrative purposes merely.


Source: https://www.widewalls.ch/magazine/new-media-art-definition

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